Meet Our Donors

Mr. Steven Smoot ’77

Mr. Steven Smoot ’77

There are so many Xaverian Brothers that I am thankful for.

I am grateful for what they have given to me and to my late brother, Don ’74. They saw something special in each of us. MC truly prepares students for a better life. So, when I give back to MC, it allows me to give the Brothers a return on their investment, and it allows the school to invest in others to take my place.

I joined the Board of Trustees 20 years ago and strongly believe that the Xaverian Brothers anointed each of us with the mission of carrying the traditions and values offered by a Xaverian education. I am proud of my role and excited about the opportu- nity we all have to provide students an amazing education that embodies the Xaverian charisms. One of the first things I learned when I joined the Board is that tuition does not cover the actual cost for a student to attend MC. Malden Catholic relies on the generous support of our community to fund the difference.

“MC truly prepares students for a better life. So, when I give back to MC, it allows me to give the Brothers a return on their investment, and it allows the school to invest in others to take my place.”

Mr. Steven F. Smoot ’77, Former Malden Catholic Board member Saint Francis Xavier Society member Essential Malden Catholic Campaign supporter

Malden Catholic High School Donor Mr. Steven Smoot ’77